Weather at Elrose Airfield [CLOSED]

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Elrose Airfield

Closest report is Kindersley Airport, 47.7 nm (88.4 km) WNW.

2024/07/07 11:00 (retrieved 50 minutes ago)

CYKY 071100Z 30004KT 15SM FEW095 SCT240 13/11 A3002 RMK AC1CI2 SLP163 DENSITY ALT 2500FT

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Elrose Airfield

Closest forecast is Swift Current Airport, 55.8 nm (103.3 km) SSE.

2024/07/07 06:48 (retrieved 5 hours ago)

TAF CYYN 070546Z 0706/0718 26008KT P6SM SKC BECMG 0713/0715 30010KT FM071700 32010G20KT P6SM BKN040 RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS NXT FCST BY 071200Z