Chilko Lake (Tsylos Park Lodge) Airport

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Chilko Lake (Tsylos Park Lodge) Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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Picture of IMC-Fred1

Chilko Lake Airport

Unless there is a strong wind from the lake, use a north bound approach and land uphill. With a strong wind from lake, approach from down river, stay close to the mountain, sharp dogleg to the left, full flaps when aligned with the downhill runway. Beautifull area, fantastic fishing, watch out for the grizzlies.

Picture of IMC-Fred

Chilko Lake Airport

Unless there is a strong wind from the lake, use a north bound approach and land uphill. With a strong wind from lake, approach from down river, stay close to the mountain, sharp dogleg to the left, full flaps when aligned with the downhill runway. Beautifull area, fantastic fishing, watch out for the grizzlies.

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