Arthur South Airport
Arthur, Ontario, Canada

Changes to CAR5

2023-05-10 17:57:46



Deleted keyword, AR5 was Pemberton Aerodrome, BC. This airport may be closed or CAR5 may no longer be a valid TC identifier.

Changed name from "Arthur (Arthur South)" to "Arthur South Airport"
Changed municipality from "" to "Arthur"
Changed local_code from "" to "CAR5"
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "ar5" to ""
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2010-12-24 17:33:34



(no change comment)

Changed region_code from "CA-ON" to ""
Changed region_name from "Ontario" to ""
Changed region_local_code from "ON" to ""
Changed country_code from "CA" to ""
Changed country_name from "Canada" to ""

2010-12-24 17:33:34



(no change comment)

Arthur (Arthur South)