Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Barrhead Airport
Closest report is Edmonton / Villeneuve Airport, 33.1 nm (61.2 km) SE.
2025/02/07 14:38 (retrieved 13 minutes ago)
CZVL 071438Z AUTO 07003KT 020V110 9SM -SN OVC022 M16/M18 A3014 RMK SLP268
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Barrhead Airport
Closest forecast is Edmonton / Villeneuve Airport, 33.1 nm (61.2 km) SE.
2025/02/07 12:00 (retrieved 3 hours ago)
TAF CZVL 071140Z 0712/0724 35004KT P6SM OVC025 TEMPO 0712/0720 6SM -SN OVC020 FM072000 14004KT P6SM SCT025 TEMPO 0720/0724 P6SM -SN BKN025 RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS NXT FCST BY 071800Z