Cudworth Municipal Airport

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Cudworth Municipal Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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The Cudworth airport is actually about 1/2 a mile to the NorthEast of where the location is indicated on the map. The main runway is 26-08, which is now mostly gravel from disintegrated asphalt, and nice grassy shoulders. The grass, either side of the gravel, is suitable for landing light aircraft. The taxiway, leading north from the centre of 26-08 can and is often used for landing subject to prevailing winds. 35-17 are the normal calls for landing on the taxiway. The Saskatoon Soaring Club operates out of this airport, as of 2012, and owns the large hangar off of the taxiway, North end of airport. Unicom is 123.2

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