Alliston Airport

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OurAirports members at CNY4

Alliston Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 8 visitors.

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Picture of

Great field

I was there yesterday. Great field. Caution of the wires off the north end.

Picture of dazuppa

Lovely Aerodrome

Very well maintained airstrip, with good approaches and easy to find, just north-east of Alliston. Northbound short final you literally fly between the hangars - though they are wide apart enough, no risk at all. Lots of nice private aircrafts in a good shape parked around - Luscombe, RV, square-tail Cessna, Cub, Kitfox... Tried to find the owner to say hi, but everything was closed and quiet.

Picture of Niss


Nice little strip, was there yesterday for precautionary trng. Ended up doing a soft field landing. Really neat place!

Picture of david

re: Nice Grass Runway

Thanks for the info -- I've moved the longitude a bit to the west, to the other side of the road.

Picture of helpmefly

Nice Grass Runway

I landed here once to practice some soft field landings. Well maintained. The landing strip is west side of the road. (the plane cursor is marking the east side)

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