Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Lac Berthelot Seaplane Base
Closest report is Val-d'Or Airport, 70.5 nm (130.6 km) WSW.
2024/09/17 13:00 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)
CYVO 171300Z 22006KT 15SM FEW090 FEW230 FEW250 17/12 A3018 RMK AC1CI1CC1 AC TR CC TR SLP226 DENSITY ALT 1400FT
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Lac Berthelot Seaplane Base
Closest forecast is Val-d'Or Airport, 70.5 nm (130.6 km) WSW.
2024/09/17 12:42 (retrieved 42 minutes ago)
TAF CYVO 171140Z 1712/1724 22007KT P6SM SCT050 TEMPO 1712/1715 BKN050 BECMG 1715/1717 21010KT FM172300 20007KT P6SM SKC RMK NXT FCST BY 171800Z