Weather at Lac Berthelot Seaplane Base

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Lac Berthelot Seaplane Base

Closest report is Val-d'Or Airport, 70.5 nm (130.6 km) WSW.

2024/09/17 13:00 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)

CYVO 171300Z 22006KT 15SM FEW090 FEW230 FEW250 17/12 A3018 RMK AC1CI1CC1 AC TR CC TR SLP226 DENSITY ALT 1400FT

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Lac Berthelot Seaplane Base

Closest forecast is Val-d'Or Airport, 70.5 nm (130.6 km) WSW.

2024/09/17 12:42 (retrieved 42 minutes ago)

TAF CYVO 171140Z 1712/1724 22007KT P6SM SCT050 TEMPO 1712/1715 BKN050 BECMG 1715/1717 21010KT FM172300 20007KT P6SM SKC RMK NXT FCST BY 171800Z