Weather at Nueva Industria Agricultural Airfield

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Nueva Industria Agricultural Airfield

Closest report is Jaime Gonzalez Airport, 31.5 nm (58.4 km) ESE.

2024/07/04 20:59 (retrieved 1 hour ago)

MUCF 042059Z AUTO 08005KT 050V120 31/26 Q1011

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Nueva Industria Agricultural Airfield

Forecast is more than 12 hours old.

Closest forecast is Jaime Gonzalez Airport, 31.5 nm (58.4 km) ESE.

2024/07/03 18:03 (retrieved 1 day ago)

TAF MUCF 031700Z 0318/0406 08014KT 9000 SCT020 TEMPO 0321/0324 5000 RA FEW020CB BKN020 TEMPO 0401/0405 BKN020