Weather at Fort Mackay / Horizon Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Fort Mackay / Horizon Airport

Closest report is Fort McMurray Airport, 46.5 nm (86.0 km) SSE.

2024/09/19 16:00 (retrieved 51 minutes ago)

CYMM 191600Z AUTO 26003KT 240V300 9SM OVC220 09/04 A2970 RMK SLP072

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Fort Mackay / Horizon Airport

Closest forecast is Fort McMurray Airport, 46.5 nm (86.0 km) SSE.

2024/09/19 13:42 (retrieved 3 hours ago)

TAF CYMM 191240Z 1913/2001 22005KT P6SM FEW060 BKN220 BECMG 1917/1919 29007KT RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS NXT FCST BY 191900Z