Puvirnituq Airport

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OurAirports members at YPX

Puvirnituq Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 4 visitors.

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Is 100 Octane Fuel Available?

Is 100 octane fuel available at the airport?

Picture of david

re: Is 100 Octane Fuel Available?

According to the Canada Flight Supplement, CYPX does have 100LL available retail (extremely rare for an airport in the Canadian North). You need to give prior notice by calling 819-988-2625 during weekday hours, and have to give seven days advance notice if you plan to pay by credit card. More details in the CFS (which you should have if you're flying up that way).

Unfortunately, it's not like buying gas down south - you can't just show up, ask for a fill, and then hand over your VISA. Still, it beats having to negotiate privately to buy barrels of avgas.

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