North Bay Jack Garland Airport

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North Bay Jack Garland Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 46 visitors.

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Shell FBO very helpful

Last year I had to overnight unexpectedly due to a problem with my aircraft which took me a couple of days to sort out. The operator of the Shell FBO also owns a motel and he was very helpful - providing me with an excellent room rate and a car rental on short notice at a great price.

You can't ask for better service than that!

Picture of david

Up on a hill

This airport is up on a hill, several hundred feet above the city below and Lake Nippising. That's both a good and bad thing -- once, I was able to depart VFR when the city was completely fogged in, because the hill was above the top of the fog with blue skies above. On the other hand, if there's a low ceiling, it will be lower here than in the city.

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Good fuel stop

This airport is a good fuel stop for private planes -- there's no landing fee, and no ramp fee if you're staying only a short time. There's an ILS and a *very* long runway (an old NORAD runway) for bad weather, and Sudbury is close by as an alternate.

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