Aberporth Airport

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Aberporth Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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It's called West Wales Airport these days. And it's not in Aberporth, it's in Blaenannerch. It was called Aberporth Aerodrome back in the days when it was purely for use by MoD Aberporth (which was never in Aberporth but in nearby Parcllyn). Then again, "Aberporth" is a lot easier to spell.than "Blaenannerch." And a lot easier to say than "Parcllyn" (the Welsh double-ell isn't what a non-Welsh person thinks it is). But "West Wales Airport" is even easier.

It's never been the same since they extended the runway and re-routed the B4333 so it wasn't close to the end of the runway. There used to be traffic lights on that road for when a plane was taking off or landing, and a sign that meant "give way to low-flying aircraft."

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