Rotterdam The Hague Airport

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OurAirports members at RTM

Rotterdam The Hague Airport is the home base for 11 OurAirports members. It has had 82 visitors.

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Rotterdam The Hague Airport

Since 2010 the official name is Rotterdam The Hague Airport, but by many locals still referred to the airport as Vliegveld Zestienhoven.

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My home base

Rotterdam airport is interest for private pilots, as it has commercial (mainly 737, F27) and GA (business and private) traffic. There are a number of flying clubs based there, one of which is the largest in the Netherlands with 20 aircraft.

Picture of MathFox

Former workplace

I used to work here (landside, at a business totally unrelated to aviation). As an airport it's nice (much smaller than Schiphol) and pretty efficient; while working flight crew members walking by the window and the smell of jet fuel were the biggest reminders of being at an airport.

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