Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to El Robledo
Closest report is Getafe Air Base, 69.7 nm (129.0 km) NNE.
2024/09/17 00:30 (retrieved 16 minutes ago)
LEGT 170030Z AUTO 06009KT 020V090 CAVOK 19/02 Q1017
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to El Robledo
Forecast is more than 6 hours old.
Closest forecast is Ciudad Real International Airport, 27.1 nm (50.2 km) SE.
2024/09/16 15:00 (retrieved 10 hours ago)
TAF LERL 161400Z 1615/1715 04006KT CAVOK TX31/1616Z TN10/1706Z