Airports 401 to 450
Yakutsk Airport
Yakutsk, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Russia — 5076 km (2741 nm) NE
Tundra Mine/Salamita Mine Aerodrome
Tundra and Salamita Mines, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5189 km (2802 nm) NNW
Ust-Nera Airport
Ust-Nera, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Russia — 5199 km (2807 nm) NNE
Snap Lake Airport
Snap Lake Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5229 km (2823 nm) NNW
Dzhebariki-Khaya Airport
Dzhebariki-Khaya, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Russia — 5241 km (2830 nm) NNE
Wekweètì Airport
Wekweètì, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5247 km (2833 nm) NNW
Fort Reliance Seaplane Base
Fort Reliance, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5270 km (2846 nm) NNW
Rae Lakes Airport
Gamètì, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5328 km (2877 nm) NNW
Lutselk'e Airport
Lutselk'e, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5337 km (2882 nm) NNW
Taltheilei Narrows Airport
Taltheilei Narrows, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5341 km (2884 nm) NNW
Yellow Dog Lodge Seaplane Base
Graham Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5369 km (2899 nm) NNW
Snare River Airport
Snare River, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5370 km (2899 nm) NNW
Tulita Airport
Tulita, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5413 km (2923 nm) NNW
Whatì Airport
Whatì, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5424 km (2929 nm) NNW
Whati Airport Seaplane Base
Yellowknife International Airport
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5425 km (2929 nm) NNW
Yellowknife (Regional Hospital) Heliport
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5426 km (2930 nm) NNW
Yellowknife (Aero Arctic) Heliport
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5426 km (2930 nm) NNW
Miramar Con Mines Heliport
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5426 km (2930 nm) NNW
Frank Channel (Forestry) Heliport
Frank Channel, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5429 km (2931 nm) NNW
Edzo Airport
Rae-Edzo, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5434 km (2934 nm) NNW
Mile 129 Mackenzie Highway Airport
Rocher River Water Aerodrome.
Rocher River, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5490 km (2964 nm) NNW
Fort Resolution Airport
Fort Resolution, Northwest Territories, Canada — 5533 km (2988 nm) NNW