Potchefstroom Airport

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OurAirports members at PCF

Potchefstroom Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 9 visitors.

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what's it for?

I'm just wondering what goes on over there, what is that airfield for really? Are there any planes flying in or out of it regularly? Is it an airport? Any scheduled domestic flights? Any info will be much appreciated, thanks in advance

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Potchefstroom airport

University, colleges, Government Departments, people from Potch + neighbour towns and mines can use this airport effectively. You wasted the tax payers money on the Spaniards and don’t use this airport to it’s full potential. Why don’t you develop a kind of a “Lanseria” airport?

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re: Potchefstroom airport

Potch airfield is the home to Akavlieg Potcheftsroom, a prominent gliding club in South Africa. The airfield is also home to the JS factory - a 18m glider factory. This glider has performed exceptionally well in world competitions. The extra runway was never really needed for the Spaniards, but a "Lanseria" might just kill the gliding of. It might have been good if all stakeholders were considered before the big ideas started flying around.

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