Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Challans Heliport
Closest report is Nantes Atlantique Airport, 20.1 nm (37.2 km) NNE.
2025/01/13 10:00 (retrieved 30 minutes ago)
LFRS 131000Z AUTO 05008KT 010V080 CAVOK M00/M03 Q1039 NOSIG
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Challans Heliport
Closest forecast is Nantes Atlantique Airport, 20.1 nm (37.2 km) NNE.
2025/01/13 06:30 (retrieved 4 hours ago)
TAF LFRS 130500Z 1306/1412 04005KT 6000 BKN003 PROB40 TEMPO 1306/1308 0400 FZFG VV/// BECMG 1306/1308 CAVOK TEMPO 1322/1324 2000 BR BECMG 1400/1402 3000 BR TEMPO 1404/1408 0400 FZFG VV/// BECMG 1408/1410 CAVOK