Weather at Sembas Airfield

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.

Meteomatics Weather Widget

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Sembas Airfield

Closest report is Agen-La Garenne Airport, 10.1 nm (18.7 km) SSW.

2025/02/16 01:30 (retrieved 28 minutes ago)

LFBA 160130Z AUTO 11007KT CAVOK 03/01 Q1012

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Sembas Airfield

Closest forecast is Bergerac Dordogne PĆ©rigord Airport, 29.8 nm (55.2 km) N.

2025/02/15 21:08 (retrieved 5 hours ago)

TAF LFBE 152100Z 1521/1618 CNL