Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Boissay Ludovic Airfield
Closest report is Agen-La Garenne Airport, 17.2 nm (31.9 km) WNW.
2025/02/12 07:00 (retrieved 12 minutes ago)
LFBA 120700Z AUTO 11007KT CAVOK 06/06 Q1014 BECMG BKN010
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Boissay Ludovic Airfield
Closest forecast is Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, 33.2 nm (61.4 km) SSE.
2025/02/12 06:21 (retrieved 51 minutes ago)
TAF LFBO 120500Z 1206/1312 VRB03KT CAVOK PROB40 TEMPO 1206/1210 BKN012 BECMG 1212/1214 SCT020TCU SCT050 BECMG 1214/1216 28005KT BKN015 TEMPO 1216/1304 4500 -RA BKN010 PROB40 TEMPO 1216/1224 2500 RA OVC007 TEMPO 1304/1308 BKN010 BECMG 1308/1310 SCT012 BKN040