Capital International Airport problem reports

If you don't see your problem listed for Capital International Airport, please report it here.

0 open 2 total

Problem type Details Created Status Updated
Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

I believe the concrete runway no longer exists. Also 19R was incorrectly named 19L

2022-11-11 05:51:44 resolved 2022-11-14 09:23:10
Duplicate airport

The airport has two GPS codes (HECP) & (HE13) which making it appears on other services maps which using OurAirports data as two separate airports. Also, the same problem exists on the search bar of OurAirports site, (two different GPS codes reach the same page).

2020-09-06 08:40:12 resolved 2020-09-07 16:46:27