Airports near Owen Ranches Inc Airport [CLOSED]

Airports 1 to 50

small airport marker

Poplar Point Airport

Bruneau, Idaho, United States 14 km (7 nm) N

small airport marker

Saylor Creek Airport

Bruneau, Idaho, United States 14 km (7 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Young Landing Area

Bruneau, Idaho, United States 18 km (10 nm) NNW

medium airport marker

Mountain Home Air Force Base

Mountain Home, Idaho, United States 29 km (16 nm) NNW


closed airport marker

Grindstone Ag Airport

King Hill, Idaho, United States 30 km (16 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Mud Flat Airport

Grand View, Idaho, United States 31 km (16 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Coyote Run Airport

Mountain Home, Idaho, United States 31 km (17 nm) N

small airport marker

Glenns Ferry Municipal Airport

Glenns Ferry, Idaho, United States 36 km (19 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Mountain Home Municipal Airport

Mountain Home, Idaho, United States 37 km (20 nm) N


heliport marker

Elmore Medical Center Heliport

Mountain Home, Idaho, United States 38 km (20 nm) N

heliport marker

Health Center Heliport

Glenns Ferry, Idaho, United States 39 km (21 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Grasmere Airport

Grasmere, Idaho, United States 48 km (26 nm) SSW

small airport marker

P and R Field

Mayfield, Idaho, United States 51 km (27 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Morgan Place Airport

Oreana, Idaho, United States 57 km (31 nm) NW

small airport marker

Red Baron Airpark

Oasis, Idaho, United States 58 km (31 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Orchard Combat Training Center Railhead Heliport

Boise, Idaho, United States 61 km (33 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Orchard Combat Training Center Fire Station Heliport

Boise, Idaho, United States 61 km (33 nm) NNW

closed airport marker

Bennett Airport

Mountain Home, Idaho, United States 62 km (33 nm) NNE

small airport marker

S Bar Ranch Airport

Hill City, Idaho, United States 64 km (35 nm) NE

small airport marker

Ez Lope Ranch Airport

Oreana, Idaho, United States 65 km (35 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Triangle Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 73 km (39 nm) W

closed airport marker

Riddle Airport

Riddle, Idaho, United States 74 km (40 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Tracy Ranch Airport

Hill City, Idaho, United States 76 km (41 nm) NE

small airport marker

Josephine Ranch Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 76 km (41 nm) W

small airport marker

Hennis Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 78 km (42 nm) NW

small airport marker

Smith Prairie Airport

Prairie, Idaho, United States 79 km (42 nm) N

small airport marker

Buhl Municipal Airport

Buhl, Idaho, United States 79 km (43 nm) ESE

1 3

small airport marker

Gooding Municipal Airport

Gooding, Idaho, United States 80 km (43 nm) E


small airport marker

Murphy Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 81 km (43 nm) NW

1 4

small airport marker

Pine Airport

Pine, Idaho, United States 82 km (44 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Depot Airstrip

Murphy, Idaho, United States 84 km (45 nm) NW

heliport marker

North Canyon Medical Center Heliport

Gooding, Idaho, United States 84 km (45 nm) E


small airport marker

Chimney Creek Airport

Fairfield, Idaho, United States 87 km (47 nm) NE

small airport marker

Camas Creek Ranch Airport

Fairfield, Idaho, United States 88 km (47 nm) NE

small airport marker

Kane Springs Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 88 km (48 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Black'S Airfield

Kuna, Idaho, United States 89 km (48 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Larkin Airport

Kuna, Idaho, United States 89 km (48 nm) NW

small airport marker

Murphy Hot Springs Airport

Three Creek, Idaho, United States 92 km (49 nm) SSE

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small airport marker

Indian Creek Ranch Airport

Kuna, Idaho, United States 93 km (50 nm) NW

small airport marker

Ziggy's Airport

Filer, Idaho, United States 93 km (50 nm) E

medium airport marker

Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field

Boise, Idaho, United States 94 km (50 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Deer Creek Grade Airport

Jarbidge, Nevada, United States 96 km (52 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Green Acres Airport

Kuna, Idaho, United States 96 km (52 nm) NW

small airport marker

Z X Ranch Airport

Murphy, Idaho, United States 96 km (52 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Camas County Airport

Fairfield, Idaho, United States 97 km (52 nm) NE


small airport marker

Ashley Airport

Meridian, Idaho, United States 97 km (52 nm) NNW

heliport marker

St Luke's Boise Medical Center Heliport

Boise, Idaho, United States 98 km (52 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Owyhee Hospital Heliport

Owyhee, Nevada, United States 98 km (53 nm) SSW

heliport marker

Nampa Valley Heliport

Boise, Idaho, United States 98 km (53 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Fairfield Ranch Airport

Fairfield, Idaho, United States 99 km (53 nm) NE