Changes to MNSSV
2024-06-22 04:15:49
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Curtatone City San Silvestro Airport"
to "Curtatone City San Silvestro Airfield"
2024-06-16 15:37:59
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Città di Curtatone Airfield"
to "Curtatone City San Silvestro Airport"
Changed latitude_deg
from "45.1013"
to "45.1015"
Changed longitude_deg
from "10.75"
to "10.7492"
Changed keywords
from "Aeroclub Mantova, Aviosuperficie Città di Curtatone"
to "Aeroclub Mantova, Aviosuperficie Città di Curtatone - San Silvestro"
2024-06-16 15:34:00
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Aviosuperficie Città di Curtatone"
to "Città di Curtatone Airfield"
Changed municipality
from "Curtatone"
to "Curtatone (MN)"
Changed keywords
from "Aeroclub Mantova"
to "Aeroclub Mantova, Aviosuperficie Città di Curtatone"
2017-06-08 06:33:14
(no change comment)
Changed local_code
from "MN03"
to "MNSSV"