Changes to PRBUS
2024-06-16 15:24:39
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Campo di Volo La Torretta"
to "La Torretta Airfield"
Changed latitude_deg
from "44.9934"
to "44.9932"
Changed longitude_deg
from "10.0601"
to "10.0599"
Changed keywords
from "La Torretta"
to "Campo di Volo La Torretta"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "15"
2017-06-18 02:57:43
(no change comment)
Changed local_code
from "PR05"
to "PRBUS"
2016-07-31 09:53:29
(no change comment)
Changed latitude_deg
from "44.9932"
to "44.9934"
Changed longitude_deg
from "10.051"
to "10.0601"