Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Ghiacciaio del Lys
Closest report is Pian Rosà Heliport, 6.2 nm (11.4 km) W.
2025/02/08 17:55 (retrieved 1 hour ago)
LIMH 081755Z AUTO 13017KT //// M12/M14 Q1017
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Ghiacciaio del Lys
Closest forecast is Milan Malpensa International Airport, 40.4 nm (74.8 km) ESE.
2025/02/08 18:25 (retrieved 31 minutes ago)
TAF LIMC 081700Z 0818/0924 02006KT 3000 RA BKN012 BECMG 0915/0917 7000 NSW BKN030 BECMG 0918/0920 3000 BR BKN010 TEMPO 0921/0924 1200 BCFG