Changes to K4V4, 4V4
2022-12-20 12:30:06
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Northwood Municipal Vince Field"
to "Northwood Municipal Airpiort - Vince Field"
Changed latitude_deg
from "47.7242"
to "47.7249"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-97.5904"
to "-97.5901"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "16"
2008-07-13 21:58:24
Batch copy editing and abbreviation expansion.
Changed ident
from "US-K4V4"
to "K4V4"
Changed name
from "Northwood Muni Vince Field"
to "Northwood Municipal Vince Field"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg
from ""
to "4.463"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""