Airports near Muswani Airport

Airports 401 to 450

small airport marker

Nioki Airport

Nioki, Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 1969 km (1063 nm) W

small airport marker

Matoko Airport

Matoko, Likouala Department, Republic of the Congo 2026 km (1094 nm) W

small airport marker

Djokele Airport

Djokele, Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2035 km (1099 nm) W

small airport marker

Mushie Airport

Mushie, Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2056 km (1110 nm) W

small airport marker

Malebo Airport

Malebo, Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2100 km (1134 nm) W

small airport marker

Bolobo Airport

Bolobo, Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2122 km (1146 nm) W

medium airport marker

Owando Airport

Owando, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2156 km (1164 nm) W


medium airport marker

Oyo Ollombo Airport

Oyo, Plateaux Department, Republic of the Congo 2159 km (1166 nm) W

small airport marker

Gamboma Airport

Gamboma, Plateaux Department, Republic of the Congo 2163 km (1168 nm) W

small airport marker

Makoua Airport

Makoua, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2199 km (1187 nm) W

small airport marker

Boundji Airport

Boundji, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2223 km (1200 nm) W

small airport marker

Okoyo Airport

Okoyo, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2252 km (1216 nm) W

small airport marker

Ewo Airport

Ewo, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2283 km (1232 nm) W

small airport marker

Djambala Airport

Djambala, Plateaux Department, Republic of the Congo 2292 km (1237 nm) W

small airport marker

Lekana Airport

Lekana, Plateaux Department, Republic of the Congo 2307 km (1246 nm) W

small airport marker

Kelle Airport

Kelle, Cuvette Department, Republic of the Congo 2315 km (1250 nm) W

small airport marker

Lague Airport

Lague, Plateaux Department, Republic of the Congo 2316 km (1250 nm) W

small airport marker

Lekoni Airport

Lekoni, Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon 2340 km (1263 nm) W

small airport marker

Akieni Airport

Akieni, Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon 2382 km (1286 nm) W

small airport marker

Zanaga Airport

Zanaga, Lékoumou Department, Republic of the Congo 2398 km (1295 nm) W


medium airport marker

Okondja Airport

Okondja, Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon 2408 km (1300 nm) W


medium airport marker

M'Vengue El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba International Airport

Franceville, Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon 2434 km (1314 nm) W


small airport marker

Mboungou Airstrip

Mboungou, Gabon 2452 km (1324 nm) W

small airport marker

Moanda Airport

Moanda, Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon 2455 km (1325 nm) W

small airport marker

Mandoro Airport

Mandoro, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2500 km (1350 nm) W

medium airport marker

Makokou Airport

Makokou, Ogooué-Ivindo Province, Gabon 2502 km (1351 nm) W


small airport marker

Legala Airport

Legala, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2503 km (1352 nm) W

small airport marker

Sidetra Airport

Sidetra, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2504 km (1352 nm) W

small airport marker

Lastourville Airport

Lastourville, Ogooué-Lolo Province, Gabon 2511 km (1356 nm) W


small airport marker

Mossendjo Airport

Mossendjo, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2523 km (1362 nm) W


small airport marker

Milolé Airstrip

Milolé, Ogooué-Lolo Province, Gabon 2524 km (1363 nm) W

small airport marker

Marala Airport

Marala, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2530 km (1366 nm) W

small airport marker

Koulamoutou Airport

Koulamoutou, Ogooué-Lolo Province, Gabon 2538 km (1370 nm) W

small airport marker

N'Ziba Airport

N'Ziba, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2539 km (1371 nm) W

small airport marker

Pemo Airport

Pemo, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2541 km (1372 nm) W

medium airport marker

Koulamoutou Mabimbi Airport

Koulamoutou, Ogooué-Lolo Province, Gabon 2545 km (1374 nm) W


small airport marker

Leboulou Airport

Leboulou, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2559 km (1382 nm) W

closed airport marker

Wagny Airport

Wagny, Ogooué-Lolo Province, Gabon 2566 km (1385 nm) W

small airport marker

Tsengué Leledi Airstrip

Tsengué Leledi Falls, Ogooué-Ivindo Province, Gabon 2575 km (1390 nm) W

small airport marker

N'gongo Airport

N'gongo, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2578 km (1392 nm) W

small airport marker

Gokango Airport

Gokango, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2586 km (1396 nm) W

small airport marker

Loufoula Airport

Loufoula, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2601 km (1404 nm) W

small airport marker

Booue Airport

Booue, Ogooué-Ivindo Province, Gabon 2603 km (1405 nm) W

small airport marker

M'Bigou Airport

M'Bigou, Ngounié Province, Gabon 2604 km (1406 nm) W


small airport marker

Nyanga Airport

Nyanga, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2605 km (1407 nm) W

small airport marker

Irogo Airport

Irogo, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2611 km (1410 nm) W

small airport marker

Achouka Airport

Achouka, Ogooué-Ivindo Province, Gabon 2621 km (1415 nm) W

small airport marker

Mavinza Airport

Mavinza, Niari Department, Republic of the Congo 2636 km (1423 nm) W

small airport marker

Mitzic Airport

Mitzic, Woleu-Ntem Province, Gabon 2653 km (1432 nm) W

small airport marker

Miele Mimbale Airport

Miele Mimbale, Ogooué-Ivindo Province, Gabon 2662 km (1437 nm) W