Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Current aviation weather report (METAR) for St James Municipal Airport
2025/01/23 05:55 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)
KJYG 230555Z AUTO 32014G19KT 10SM FEW009 M16/M18 A3023 RMK AO2
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to St James Municipal Airport
Closest forecast is Mankato Regional Airport, 31.0 nm (57.5 km) ENE.
2025/01/23 06:39 (retrieved 0 seconds ago)
TAF KMKT 230536Z 2306/2406 32013KT P6SM SCT035 FM231200 31012KT P6SM SCT060 FM231900 29008KT P6SM SKC