Massena International Airport Richards Field

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Massena International Airport Richards Field is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 18 visitors.

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U.S. Customs

This is a useful airport for clearing U.S. customs flying from Canada on a private aircraft (esp. from Ottawa or Montreal). They require only an hour notice, and if you're delayed, you can always land across the river in Cornwall, Canada, and call them to reschedule. (315) 769-3091. If you book the day before, it's a good idea to call just before you take off and remind them. Customs will usually meet you at the main terminal.

FAX number for the Form 178 is (315) 769-3146. The customs office is open 24/7, but due to staffing limitations, they can't go to the airport to meet planes on their midnight shift (12am-8am local time).

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