Montrose Regional Airport

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OurAirports members at MTJ

Montrose Regional Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 34 visitors.

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Picture of Tony

Long Runways

During the summer, the density altitude is over 10,000 ft and the runways are extra long - I made the mistake of landing on 17 and had to taxi two miles to the FBO.

Lots of executive jets and charters fly in here during the ski season. During the summer, there is less traffic and rates are better at the FBO.

Picture of Bulldog

re: Long Runways

Hi Tony

Did you work with Craftsmen Electrics in Sydney in 1989 as i think i might know you. I am across from Scotland visiting my brothers in Newcastle (Don) and Sydney (Jim). If you are who I think you are it would be great to catch up.

Billy Broadley

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