Santa Fe Municipal Airport

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OurAirports members at SAF

Santa Fe Municipal Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 84 visitors.

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Picture of KPC6NDB

SG 341 kHz DOMAN Decommissioned

Decommissioned 4 Aug 2017

Picture of KPC6NDB

SG 341 kHz DOMAN Off Air - Decommissioned???

Last heard 10/16. No NOTAMs seen.

Picture of Rosenkavalier

Great FBO

One of the best! Really great service - had the rental car next to the p[lane on the ramp almost before I cut the engine. Buy your fuel at the self serve pump; it's at least a dollar per gallon cheaper. $6 a night tie down charge reasonable. SAF must be the only adobe style control tower in the world!

Picture of reynold1

A short trip from Albuquerque by air.

I like this airport for practice in Class D airspace. Just to the northwest one can fly over the Rio Grande River as it snakes it's way south through a beautiful canyon. There is a small resticted area south of Los Alamos so watch your charts. Great views.

Picture of

It's a "airport different" in the "city different".

Bring your high-limit credit cards if you have to stop here.

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