Poitiers-Biard Airport

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OurAirports members at PIS

Poitiers-Biard Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 15 visitors.

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Picture of david

re: Information board

Apologies for any problems. The flight information is provided to OurAirports free by FlightStats, and we include it as a convenience for visitors. The data is quite good for major airports, but sometimes seems to lag a bit for smaller airports, especially outside North America.

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Information board

The flight information is useless, it is never updated and when it is it is hours after the event. Flights departing remain listed as 'scheduled' or 'on time' long after they have departed and even after they have arrived at destination. Same with arrivals, passenger have arrived at their hotels and gone out for Dinner before the arrivals board indicates the flight has arrived. USELESS.

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La Postale

Longtemps cet aéroport a reçu la postale qui le soir partait sur Lyon. Affaire classée, pourtant le temps de rencontrer et de boire un café avec les pilotes. Frédéric BONTEMPS

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Aéroport situé à l'Ouest de la Ville

Longue piste qui a accueilli le Concorde, mais fut aussi un centre d'appretissage et d'examen pour les qualifications Air France en Boeing 727. Longue piste avec une instrumentation de pointe. Gérante : Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie

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