Changes to LFLH
2024-10-28 11:49:14
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from "Fragnes-la-Loyère"
to "Fragnes-la-Loyère, Saône-et-Loire"
2023-12-19 09:54:06
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from "Chalon/Champforgueil"
to "Fragnes-la-Loyère"
Changed latitude_deg
from "46.8261"
to "46.827"
Changed longitude_deg
from "4.81763"
to "4.81948"
Changed zoom
from "13"
to "14"
2022-07-28 11:46:05
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Chalon-Champforgeuil Airport"
to "Chalon-Champforgeuil Airfield"
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
2008-06-13 14:30:04
Anonymous flyer
Initial version
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
Changed region_code
from "FR-BFC"
to ""
Changed region_name
from "Bourgogne-Franche-Comté"
to ""
Changed region_local_code
from "BFC"
to ""
Changed country_code
from "FR"
to ""
Changed country_name
from "France"
to ""