Toussus-le-Noble Airport

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OurAirports members at TNF

Toussus-le-Noble Airport is the home base for 9 OurAirports members. It has had 12 visitors.

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Picture of alainadam

(no subject)

Be careful don't overfly houses neighbours are watching

Picture of

The manner city

On to see the bone the houses in the cities, visitors usually instinctively ask how come the houses systematically

Picture of ptomblin

re: Spam?

I've been lazy - normally I clean out the spam every week or so, but I haven't been doing it for a few weeks.

Picture of david

re: Spam?

We just had another burst, @ptomblin - I've cleaned them up.

Picture of ptomblin


Has anybody figured out why this airport of all the airports on this site seems to get all the random drive-by spam? I must delete 2 or 3 comments a week from here. (And I'm still not sure whether "Hello. And Bye" and the Russian one are spam). It makes me wonder if the "code for this script" comment is about some spamming software.

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2012 - The end!

2012 - The end? or not?

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worth it?

In the midle of nowhere. Forget it.

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ignore the TAXI number in the pilot planning facility and use

TAXIS ABEILLE service 01 39 50 50 00. This worked ok in April 2010 and cost about 18euro into Versailles

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Public Transportation

There is public transportation. A city bus (stop at a 10 mn walk) with regular schedule rides to Versailles, and from there Paris, by train.

Picture of frac

Toussus le Noble

This is one of the BIG General Aviation Airport in Paris for Pistons and Small Jets. Airport of Entry 7 days a week. No public transportation available to Paris, a better option if you dont mind grass strips is LFPZ 6NM north with two parallel runways

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