Zakynthos International Airport Dionysios Solomos

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Zakynthos International Airport Dionysios Solomos is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 27 visitors.

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delayed flight

my daughter and three others were due to fly back to Ireland/Dublin last nite landing in Dublin airport for 23.00 irish time but in t middle of flight tom 1239 take off on runway t plane broke dead on the runway due to plane manfuntion all passengers were taken off flight tom 1239 and taken back to terminal in which were left there for quite awhile before taken them then onto a hotel accommodation for the night now this morning they were to be collected by bus at 10.00 greek time when all ready and waiting to be informed that the bus would not be arriving till 12.30 greek time.Im afraid to say but this Is not good enough when 4 persons were to return to work today theses 4 passengers Marguerite Dowling,Martin o Connor, Ally o Connor, Niamh Mc Kenna are out of pocket and running low in money in which they still have to spend reason been they were given a breakfast that would not in their eyes fit for a dog. Now in all due respect this is noway to treat passenger's on any of yer flights total unrespectable. regards Joan Dowling /phone num 087 6066927.

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