Changes to MX-0038
2022-12-18 08:17:18
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Isla María Airport"
to "Estación Aeronaval Isla María Madre"
Changed municipality
from "San Blas"
to "Islas Marías"
Changed latitude_deg
from "21.6502"
to "21.6503"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-106.538"
to "-106.539"
Changed home_link
from ""
to ""
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
2021-10-15 17:43:33
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from ""
to "San Blas"
2015-01-27 11:25:10
(no change comment)
Changed region_code
from "MX-U-A"
to "MX-NAY"
Changed region_name
from "(unassigned)"
to "Nayarit"
Changed region_local_code
from "U-A"
to "NAY"