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Latest comments about airports in Mexico

Picture of david

MMPE identifier reassigned

MMPE is now Mar de Cortés International Airport.

Picture of linhdoan24

(no subject)

What is current timezone_id at SFH ?

Picture of YankeePapa

(no subject)

Well-kept facility right in center city.

Two-hour ramp check by Comandante!

Easy base for visiting Real de Montes in the NE.

Picture of Cpfau182

re: Baja trip

I was there a long time ago. I'm pretty sure they had fuel. May want to call and see. I don't know if it was an airport of entry as I went through San Felipe at that time. We went in February. I'm not sure if they are there with babies in October. We got to pet them though and it was a really great experience.

Picture of JYV58

Airport closed

See metar-taf com airport MM30-el-tapacal-airport

Picture of blitzjreid68

re: Baja trip

Reply to @Cpfau182: Planning to fly in here in October from San Diego for whale watching. Is there definitely fuel there? Also, is this an airport of entry or will I need to stop in Ensenada on the way down?

Picture of YankeePapa

Runway A-OK (in the middle)

Longest DT that I’ve ever overflown (3300’), but that’s the crumbing half. The remainimg usable runway is in fine condition, far better than the ramp which will need a gingerly low-power taxi to minimize flinging FOD. Speaking of taxis, get that pre-arranged with your lodging because you are quite a way from the handsome town. We loved the Casona de Tete near the center. Only five rooms! A truly worthwhile, memorable stop.

Picture of zpaulca


The easiest airport for quick, friendly AOE processing into Mexico. 100LL available. Best port of entry for GA in Mexico.

Picture of mdelatorre

VOR MEX location is offset in the image

I have coordinates 19.439339 -99.066803 for VOR MEX. But this lat & long place the VOR to the far north-east of the real VOR location shown on the image. Are the coordinates published correct or there is a problem with the coordinate system used?

Picture of david

re: Location

Reply to @Bill35: Updated.

Picture of rstan

Beautiful well kept airport

Hangar avialable

Picture of Helicop1

Pilatus PC24

First Flight into Los Cabos for Pilatus PC24!

Picture of

(no subject)

Wish I could visit ... My Grandmother was born there at

Amatlan De Jora , Mexico ... When she left only way to go or come was by plane ... Now I see roads and vehicles .. She passed away at age 106 in good health ... Walking and talking ..

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Runway 14 - 32

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My airport

Elevation 5010ft


Runway length 2230 ft

Runway q45-32

Radio freq 123.40

No fuel

Picture of rstan

Great well maintained

Nice terminal and easy fuel

Picture of Sam_Butler

Nice but expensive

Cheap flights, expensive shops. It's a nice airport though each terminal is quite small, and the new T4 didn't have wifi installed when we transited there at the end of March. Be prepared for heat if you go outside, and cold A/C if you remain inside. Airside shopping in T4 is fair but food is overpriced.

Picture of meugniotjr
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Runways 02 and 20

Picture of KPC6NDB

NDB AN BOING 245 kHz Decommissioned

Decommissioned Apr 2007.

Picture of KPC6NDB

NDB DEORO 210 kHz Decommissioned

Decommissioned Feb 2009.

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Aún opera?

Aún opera?

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(no subject)

Does this airport fly to Mrxico City ?

Via AeroMexico Airlines.

Picture of rstan

Nice New airport

Alot of walking to file

Picture of rstan

This is a private Ag field

Very nice and helpful people

Picture of jeffsui


Updated the local identifier to AICM

Picture of yurievtv


Very cute airstrip - taking of above the water

Picture of yurievtv

Hidden in the jungle

No personnel. Abandoned, but in good condition.

Picture of


need one new

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(no subject)


Picture of Bill35


Runway is actually in Jalisco. Buenavista Tomatlán is in Michoacán.

Picture of SRS

Land here to see the whales

Gravel strip in good condition. No services. Nearest fuel is @ MMLT.

When the gray whales are in the lagoon, this is where to land to take a boat out to see them.

Picture of mbracho

Airport / City Review

It is a standard airport with some international flights. Not too many people moving around. Mid point between Cancun and Mexico Southeast Region. Make should you get into the airport approved taxis or you might be into a little surprise /Force $$$ donation) using the street taxis that hang around the airport. The city is quite and there is an US Consulate. Hotel are good (usually US chain hotels). Tourist oriented city.

Picture of mbracho

Travel comments

Small airport , very busy as it serves Pemex to move people around to their drilling / Production platforms via helo. Direct flights to Houston. Security is standard, for international flights be there 2 hours ahead, as they (Intl carriers) have a more strict security "check in" procedure. Baggage claim area is small, so be patient, as local and international flights may mix in the same area. Customs is piece of cake, just have your documents ready for the Migra people.

Picture of

Airport name

The actual name in Spanish for this airport is "El Gallito"

Picture of ptomblin

re: re: closed?

Reply to @dmomper: It's data that the CoPilot app for iPhone pays for which I'm not allowed to share with the rest of the world except through the iPhone app. I'd love to give a full dump to this site, but I'll have to settle for just manually verifying things people say in the comments.

Picture of dmomper

re: closed?

Reply to @ptomblin: Thanks for the quick confirmation! What is the EAD data that you refer to? Is this a publicly available source on airport info?

Picture of ptomblin

re: closed?

Reply to @dmomper: It was in EAD data up until 2015-06-29 with ICAO code 'MMPO", but now it's gone.

Picture of dmomper


As best I can tell, this airport has no actual code assigned. Doing a code search on IATA's site ( for PNO yields no results. I suspect the airport might be closed. Can anybody else verify?

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Hangar space is available by calling 647-428-0222 at Hacienda de los Santos Resort & Spa. Space is limited to singles and light twins with a maximum capacity of twelve aircraft. Ramp overnight fees are about 200 pesos per night which includes landing and parking per night. Very secure with a large military presence, all paved runway and two ramps, Windsock directly across from the tower and one on top of the hangar. Taxi service available by asking 'Daniel' at the tower to call a taxi, or complimentary service through Hacienda de los Santos, as well as complimentary hangar parking for hotel guests.

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BOLO El Chapo Guzman

Report El Chapo Guzman flight to Marinas.

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BOLO El Chapo Guzman

Be on lookout for small or large aircraft with El Chapo Guzman.

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Be on the Lookout for EL Chapo GUZMAN

Report any sightings of EL Chapo Guzman to Marinas.

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BOLO El Chapo

Report any flight plan filed for EL Chapo Guzman to Marinas.

Picture of


Be on the lookout for flight plan by El Chapo Guzman. Contact Las Marinas.

Picture of

Contact Marinas

Please contact the Marinas if you see or hear of EL CHAPO Guzman flying or wanting to fly out of here.

Picture of rstan

Not been here yet !!

Tried to plan a flight here but had to do lots of homework just to find out the the runway was closed for maintenance

Picture of rstan

Good Facility

No Services available

Had to wait for stupid security issue just to get into Comandante's office to file a flight paln.

Easy access to the city

Pleanty of car rentals avaiable

Picture of rstan

Excellent facility

Just opened a general aviation terminal

Good service

Usual Mexican paper work shuffle

Lots of walking no signs !!!

Picture of rstan

Nice Facility

Easy entry

no tie downs

plenty of parking

Good controller

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