Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Cantarell II Platform Helipad
Report is more than 2 hours old.
Closest report is Carlos Rovirosa Pérez International Airport, 50.3 nm (93.1 km) SE.
2025/01/16 01:44 (retrieved 4 hours ago)
MMVA 160144Z 00000KT 4SM SCT015 SCT070 24/24 A3013 RMK 8/630 VC BR
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Cantarell II Platform Helipad
Forecast is more than 6 hours old.
Closest forecast is Carlos Rovirosa Pérez International Airport, 50.3 nm (93.1 km) SE.
2025/01/15 18:58 Correction (retrieved 11 hours ago)
TAF COR MMVA 151753Z 1518/1618 00000KT 5SM HZ SCT015 BKN070 FM152100 36005KT 6SM HZ SCT015 SCT070 FM160000 36010KT 4SM HZ OVC020 TEMPO 1600/1604 2SM RA OVC010 FM160500 00000KT 3SM BR OVC008 TEMPO 1611/1615 1/2SM FG OVC002