Weather at Ojitos de Santa Lucia Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Ojitos de Santa Lucia Airport

Report is more than 2 hours old.

Closest report is General Guadalupe Victoria International Airport, 66.0 nm (122.3 km) W.

2025/01/09 01:51 (retrieved 5 hours ago)

MMDO 090151Z 18008KT 6SM SCT090 12/03 A3019 RMK 8/080

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Ojitos de Santa Lucia Airport

Closest forecast is General Guadalupe Victoria International Airport, 66.0 nm (122.3 km) W.

2025/01/09 06:39 (retrieved 36 minutes ago)

TAF MMDO 090538Z 0906/1006 03005KT P6SM SCT020 BKN090 FM090800 20010KT 5SM HZ BKN030 BKN100 BECMG 0913/0915 5SM TSRA BKN030CB FM100000 27010KT 5SM HZ BKN030