Radio navigation aids 801 to 850
Mbandaka VOR-DME
Democratic Republic of the Congo
115.70 MHz
(MBA -- -... .-
5,611.6 nm (10,392.6 km) E
Basankusu NDB
Democratic Republic of the Congo
318 KHz
(BSU -... ... ..-
5,703.5 nm (10,562.9 km) E
Gbadolite VOR-DME
Democratic Republic of the Congo
112.10 MHz
(BLT -... .-.. -
5,775.8 nm (10,696.9 km) E
Kananga VOR-DME
Democratic Republic of the Congo
115.50 MHz
(KNG -.- -. --.
5,853.3 nm (10,840.3 km) E
Mbuji Mayi VOR-DME
Democratic Republic of the Congo
112.90 MHz
(MBY -- -... -.--
5,919.3 nm (10,962.6 km) E
Kamina Base VOR
Democratic Republic of the Congo
114.70 MHz
(KMB -.- -- -...
6,013.8 nm (11,137.5 km) E
Kamina Base NDB
Democratic Republic of the Congo
276 KHz
(KMB -.- -- -...
6,014.8 nm (11,139.4 km) E