Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport
Criciúma, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Changes to CCM, SSIM, SC0009

2022-11-16 16:33:46



Restored ICAO code.

Changed name from "Diomício Freitas Airport" to "Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport"
Changed gps_code from "" to "SSIM"
Changed keywords from "SBCM, Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport, SSIM" to "SBCM, Diomício Freitas, Santa Líbera."
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2022-11-12 13:29:03



Automatic update of GPS codes

Changed gps_code from "SSIM" to ""
Changed keywords from "SBCM, Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport" to "SBCM, Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport, SSIM"

2021-10-03 12:15:38



Moved marker to runway. Changed ICAO identifier. Added local code and pilot info link.

2021-10-03 12:15:38



Moved marker to runway. Changed ICAO identifier. Added local code and pilot info link.

Changed iata_code from "" to "CCM"

2021-10-03 12:15:38



Moved marker to runway. Changed ICAO identifier. Added local code and pilot info link.

Changed iata_code from "CCM" to ""

2021-10-03 12:15:38



Moved marker to runway. Changed ICAO identifier. Added local code and pilot info link.

Changed latitude_deg from "-28.7244" to "-28.7257"
Changed longitude_deg from "-49.4214" to "-49.4245"
Changed elevation_ft from "93" to "92"
Changed gps_code from "SBCM" to "SSIM"
Changed local_code from "" to "SC0009"
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport" to "SBCM, Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport"
Changed zoom from "13" to "14"

2014-02-01 22:18:57



Changed name. Added Wikipedia link.

Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""

2014-02-01 22:18:57



Changed name. Added Wikipedia link.

Changed name from "Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport" to "Diomício Freitas Airport"
Changed has_scheduled_service from "0" to "1"
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport"

2009-08-16 13:33:48



Brazil updates

Changed municipality from "Cricíuma" to "Criciúma"
Changed latitude_deg from "-28.7258" to "-28.7244"
Changed longitude_deg from "-49.4247" to "-49.4214"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg from "" to "-16.479"
Changed zoom from "14" to "13"

2008-06-24 09:40:26

Anonymous flyer


Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo

Changed name from "Forquilhinha Airport" to "Forquilhinha - Criciúma Airport"
Changed municipality from "" to "Cricíuma"

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Forquilhinha Airport