Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Scranton Municipal Airport
Closest report is Wilkes Barre Scranton International Airport, 8.8 nm (16.3 km) SSE.
2025/01/25 19:54 (retrieved 47 minutes ago)
KAVP 251954Z 24004KT 10SM OVC070 M03/M12 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP228 T10281122
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Scranton Municipal Airport
Closest forecast is Wilkes Barre Scranton International Airport, 8.8 nm (16.3 km) SSE.
2025/01/25 18:42 Correction (retrieved 2 hours ago)
TAF COR KAVP 251739Z 2518/2618 25008G18KT P6SM BKN080 FM260000 21005KT P6SM BKN080 FM261500 25009G19KT P6SM BKN035