Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Fazenda Santa Carolina
Closest report is Bauru Airport, 42.8 nm (79.3 km) WSW.
2025/02/09 20:00 (retrieved 28 minutes ago)
SBBU 092000Z 12005KT CAVOK 32/19 Q1015
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Fazenda Santa Carolina
Closest forecast is Bauru Airport, 42.8 nm (79.3 km) WSW.
2025/02/09 18:33 (retrieved 2 hours ago)
TAF SBBU 091440Z 0918/1006 09005KT 9999 SCT045 TX34/0918Z TN22/1005Z BECMG 0918/0920 CAVOK BECMG 1000/1002 13012KT RMK PGE