SDMW, GO0041

Fazenda Karajá Airport
Nova Crixás, Goiás, Brazil

Changes to SDMW, GO0041

2024-04-09 19:56:31



Added local code and pilot info link.

Changed local_code from "" to "GO0041"
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed zoom from "14" to "16"

2009-12-06 18:43:32



(no change comment)

Changed region_code from "BR-GO" to ""
Changed region_name from "Goiás" to ""
Changed region_local_code from "GO" to ""
Changed country_code from "BR" to ""
Changed country_name from "Brazil" to ""

2009-12-06 18:43:32



(no change comment)

Fazenda Karajá Airport