Weather at Fazenda Pontinha Airstrip

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Fazenda Pontinha Airstrip

Closest report is Campo Grande Airport, 44.5 nm (82.3 km) SSW.

2024/09/17 22:00 (retrieved 30 minutes ago)

SBCG 172200Z 09008KT CAVOK 26/15 Q1014

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Fazenda Pontinha Airstrip

Closest forecast is Campo Grande Airport, 44.5 nm (82.3 km) SSW.

2024/09/17 18:00 (retrieved 4 hours ago)

TAF SBCG 171400Z 1718/1818 10007KT CAVOK TN18/1809Z TX33/1817Z BECMG 1723/1801 10013KT PROB30 1815/1818 5000 FU RMK PGF