SJY7, BA0439

Fazenda Aurora Airport
São Desidério, Bahia, Brazil

Changes to SJY7, BA0439

2024-04-22 11:16:46



Old imagery. Added runway info, local code and geo updates.

2024-04-22 11:16:46



Old imagery. Added runway info, local code and geo updates.

Changed municipality from "" to "São Desidério"
Changed elevation_ft from "" to "2894"
Changed local_code from "SJY7" to "BA0439"
Changed region_code from "BR-U-A" to "BR-BA"
Changed region_name from "(unassigned)" to "Bahia"
Changed region_local_code from "U-A" to "BA"

2024-04-22 08:25:27



(no change comment)

Fazenda Aurora Airport