KM64, M64

Jenkinson Airport
Meade, Kansas, United States

Changes to KM64, M64

2024-12-29 17:33:35



(no change comment)

Changed local_code from "64K" to "M64"

2024-12-29 17:32:21



(no change comment)

Changed local_code from "M64K" to "64K"

2024-12-29 17:31:27



Changed FAA identifier from private to public use. Changed pilot info link.

Changed latitude_deg from "37.3639" to "37.3625"
Changed longitude_deg from "-100.471" to "-100.472"
Changed gps_code from "SN12" to "KM64"
Changed local_code from "SN12" to "M64K"
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "SN12"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Jenkinson Airport