Changes to SJPH, SP0646
2024-01-14 13:43:31
Changed name. Moved marker to pad. Added new ICAO identifier, local code and pilot info link.
Changed name
from "Casa de Campo Heliport"
to "Royal Palm Hall Helipad."
Changed latitude_deg
from "-22.9392"
to "-22.9397"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-47.0706"
to "-47.0709"
Changed elevation_ft
from "2316"
to "2382"
Changed gps_code
from ""
to "SJPH"
Changed local_code
from ""
to "SP0646"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""
Changed keywords
from "SNON"
to "SNON, Casa de Campo"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "17"
2022-11-12 13:28:18
Automatic update of GPS codes
Changed gps_code
from "SNON"
to ""
Changed keywords
from ""
to "SNON"
2008-06-24 09:40:26
Anonymous flyer
Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo