CLOSED Fazenda Palma Airport
Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Changes to SSPP

2023-01-11 02:12:34



Closed. Moved marker to runway. ICAO: SSPP is now: Fazenda Estreito Ponte de Pedras Airport, Montividiu, Goiás.

Changed type from "small_airport" to "closed"
Changed latitude_deg from "-31.6569" to "-31.654"
Changed longitude_deg from "-52.2078" to "-52.2066"
Changed gps_code from "SSPP" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "SSPP"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2010-05-31 17:30:53



(no change comment)

Changed name from "Fazenda Palmas Airport" to "Fazenda Palma Airport"

2008-06-24 09:40:26

Anonymous flyer


Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo

Fazenda Palmas Airport