SWJS, MT0686

Santa Rosa Pantanal Hotel Airport
Poconé, Mato Grosso, Brazil

Changes to SWJS, MT0686

2022-11-18 06:08:40



Restored ICAO code.

Changed gps_code from "" to "SWJS"
Changed keywords from "SWCT, Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA, SWJS" to "SWCT, Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA"

2022-11-12 13:29:44



Automatic update of GPS codes

Changed gps_code from "SWJS" to ""
Changed keywords from "SWCT, Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA" to "SWCT, Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA, SWJS"

2021-04-17 14:42:16



Changed name. Added new ICAO identifier and local code. Replaced pilot info link.

Changed name from "Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA Airport" to "Santa Rosa Pantanal Hotel Airport"
Changed elevation_ft from "334" to "364"
Changed gps_code from "" to "SWJS"
Changed local_code from "" to "MT0686"
Changed pilot_link from "https://web.archive.org/web/20200519130134/https://www.greatcirclemapper.net/en/airport/SWCT-complexo-turistico-s-r-pantanal-hot" to "https://aisweb.decea.mil.br/?i=aerodromos&codigo=SWJS"
Changed keywords from "SWCT" to "SWCT, Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA"

2020-05-19 08:43:05



Moved marker to runway.

Changed latitude_deg from "-17.3681" to "-17.3664"
Changed longitude_deg from "-56.7847" to "-56.7914"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2020-05-19 08:40:16



Deleted identifier, SWCT is now: Laguna Iguaçu Helipad, Curitiba, Paraná.

Changed gps_code from "SWCT" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "" to "https://web.archive.org/web/20200519130134/https://www.greatcirclemapper.net/en/airport/SWCT-complexo-turistico-s-r-pantanal-hot"
Changed keywords from "" to "SWCT"

2008-06-24 09:40:26

Anonymous flyer


Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo

Complexo Turístico S. R. Pantanal Hotéis LTDA Airport