Changes to SNOH, MT0501
2020-08-12 23:18:19
Changed name and ICAO identifier. Added local code and pilot info link.
Changed name
from "Fazenda Duas Âncoras - Seção JAÓ Airport"
to "Fazenda Tundavala Airport"
Changed municipality
from "Barra Do Garças"
to "Barra do Garças"
Changed latitude_deg
from "-14.8575"
to "-14.8573"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-52.0367"
to "-52.0362"
Changed gps_code
from "SWDJ"
to "SNOH"
Changed local_code
from ""
to "MT0501"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""
Changed keywords
from ""
to "SWDJ, Fazenda Duas Âncoras - Seção JAÓ"
2008-06-24 09:40:26
Anonymous flyer
Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo